User Guide

Welcome from Duke User Guide. Here, you will find how to use Duke Application.

Table of Contents

What is Duke?

Duke is a friendly chatbot application which allow you to manage your daily tasks by keeping track of them.

Image of Duke

Image of Duke


NOTE : Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user. e.g in todo TASKNAME, TASKNAME is a parameter which can be used as todo return books.

Add a Todo Task

Adds a todo task to the task list.

Format: todo TASKNAME


Add a Deadline Task

Adds a deadline task to the task list.

Format: deadline TASKNAME /by DATETIME
NOTE : DATETIME have to be in the format of dd/mm/yyyy hhmm


Add an Event Task

Adds an event task to the task list.


Lists down all the task in the Tasklist

This command will list down all the task being tracked by Duke

Format: list

Delete a task

This command will delete a task located at a particular index number.


Find a task

This command will find a task in the tasklist according to the keyword.



This command will send a bye message.
